Middle School & High School Youth Ministry
Middle School Youth (6th - 8th Grade) are invited to come to the Cathedral once a month for Spiritual, Service, and Social Activities.
Middle School Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Dates 2024:
Sunday, March 24: Iowa Catholic Youth Conference (ICYC) in Iowa City! The cost of this event is $55.00 (before March 1st - after March 1st it is $65.00). Please email Susan Stanforth for registration materials. Parents are encouraged to attend!
Monday, March 25: Middle School and High School Youth (and parents) are invited to the Parish Hall Basement from 6:00-7:30 PM to help stuff Easter Eggs and put together Easter Baskets to those in need of a smile this Easter. Students are encouraged to bring a donation. Please look in the bulletin for a complete listing of donations needed.
Saturday, March 30: Easter Egg Hunt Volunteer Opportunity. Mature Middle School and High School Youth are needed to help, please contact Susan Stanforth if you are interested in helping. We ask you RSVP for this event. Teens are asked to arrive early before the hunt, exact time TBA. Hunt begins at 10:00 AM.
Saturday, April 27: Youth Group Social! Join us for 4:00 PM Mass, we will have plenty of pews reserved. After Mass enjoy pizza, board games, and fellowship. The evening will conclude at 6:30 PM.
Monday, June 24 - Thursday, June 27: Cathedral Kids Camp - there will be a special “Middle School Youth Track.” High School Students are encouraged to volunteer throughout the week.
Saturday, June 29: Closing Cathedral Kids Camp Mass at 4:00 PM with a Celebration and Dinner immediately following in the Grand Hall.
*A more detailed calendar with more dates will be available in the Spring.
2024 Summer Kick off to Middle School Youth Ministry 6th - 12th Grade.
Date TBA Coming Soon
The Catholic Messenger Article - October 2021: History and fun at the cathedral ‘mansion’
January’s Special Guest
In January of 2023 we had a special guest at our Youth Ministry Event, Bishop Zinkula. Bishop Zinkula shared did questions & answers about What happens when a Pope dies, and questions about the Popes in general. Youth also enjoyed a delicious Hot Coco Bar. Thank you, Bishop Zinkula for spending the evening with our youth!